Bitdefender focuses on Italian enterprise sector amid international expansion
Bitdefender, the innovative security software solutions provider, has created Bitdefender Italia and appointed Denis Cassinerio, a 20-year-veteran of the IT security industry, as regional sales director for Italy as it continues its rapid expansion in the enterprise market.
Cassinerio, who joins Bitdefender from BT British Telecom, brings extensive experience with Trend Micro, McAfee and Hewlett Packard among others, to Bitdefender’s Italian presence, and an excellent track record in accelerating sales, building channels and developing business in enterprise security.
Bitdefender’s fortified positioning in Italy will help the company intensify its focus on the Italian enterprise and consumer markets at a time when cyber-threats such as ransomware, hacking, corporate espionage and advanced new attack techniques boost demand for IT security in Italy and throughout the world.
“I’m excited to take on such a challenge at a crucial time in the development of the IT security industry,” Cassinerio says. “The possibilities in my new position are immense. I come at a time of rapidly evolving threats to businesses, but also at a time of significant advancements in Bitdefender’s technology to fight those threats off. Italian businesses are more than ready for Bitdefender.”
“With an annual value of more than 300 Million Euro, Italian security market is one of the most developed in Europe, being essential for our growth strategy in EU”, declared Mihai Guran, Vice-President EMEA Sales at Bitdefender. “We count for a double-digit revenue growth in Italy, by developing our team and channel partners in order to approach together more Enterprise customers, protecting them better with our innovative technology“.
As he expands sales in Italy, Cassinerio will leverage recent advancements in Bitdefender’s GravityZone business products such as new anti-exploit techniques integrated in the company’s Advanced Threat Control technology, enhanced update management and others.